Salthús guesthouse
Practical Information
Welcome to Salthús Guesthouse. We hope you enjoy your stay with us in Skagaströnd.
Check in
Guests can check into their rooms at 16:00 o´clock (4pm).
Check out
Check out is at noon at 11:00 o´clock.
Breakfast is not included in the price of the guesthouse. There is a fully equipped kitchen where you can fix your own meals or enjoy the Bjarmanes Café in town.
Smoking is strictly forbidden in the guesthouse. An fine of US$ 200 is incurred if the rule is broken.
We are not responsible for valuables left in your room. Please keep them with you at all times.
Our guesthouse building
The building that houses the Salthús Guesthouse in Skagaströnd was built in 1950, by the local Skagstrendingur fisheries company. Its purpose was to service various needs of the local fisheries companies.
The upper floor served as workspace for those putting bait on fish hooks for the local fishermen, as well as storage space for various fishing gear. Later, a small freezing cabin was added, to freeze bait. On the lower floor, cod was salted by the tonnes, and dried fish packed for export. In the later year, the lower floor housed the machinery shop of the local fish freezing plant. Engineer officer Mr. Petur Eggertsson lead a team of four engine attendants and repairmen, who were nicknamed „Peter and the Wolves“ by locals.
In the summer of 2017, the building takes on a new role. It opens its rooms so artists, who have been busy during the day in their artistic endeavours, will get their rightful night‘s sleep. The rooms of Salthús will also be available for tourists, who have come to indulge in what the Skaginn area has to offer in pristine Arctic natural landmarks and rich history.
The Salthús is a wheelchair friendly guesthouse with two rooms that are handicap accessible and fitted with a bathroom suited for wheelchairs. It has free wireless Internet, a washer and dryer and a communal kitchen on each floor of this two-storey building.
Sustainability Policy for Salthús Guesthouse
Salthús emphasizes supporting sustainable tourism, and contributing to the protection of the environment and nature, to ensure our guests will have the most positive guest experience. Read the Sustainability Policy of Salthús here.